About Me

Jack Dargan / Goetia Art

I am a student at DKIT, currently in the Creative Media course. I am aspiring to be an Animator/Writer and practice Voice Acting. I am the Co-Writer for Now and Then (Frank Kelly), winner of Best Irish Short 2024 at the Dublin Smartphone Film Festival

Where to find me

I post my work to Instagram and plan to upload to YouTube

35mm Photography

Picture of my finished analogue photograph

As part of my first semester I had learned to do 35mm analogue photography, from how to use the camera all the way to mixing chemicals and using equipment to create photographs

Every step of the process had 0 trace of anything digital, the only electricity was used on lightbulbs

Voxpop Storyboard

A picture of the Storyboard for my Voxpop group project

In the second semester of my first year we learned how to record audio and video using various equipment and how to edit them with multiple softwares into finished projects

For this one we were recording Voxpop interviews and this storyboard was for my group to show how we planned our 'mise en scène'